Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

More Adventures with Stella

It is official...Stella Grace sleeps in her very own room in her very own crib all by her big girl self and mommy and daddy have their room back!  It is weird to think that I haven't slept in a different room than her in 5 months but it is true.  The American Association of Pediatrics suggests that parents room with their babies until 6 months to lessen the risk of SIDS but she was ready and I was afraid that if we missed the window of opportunity, it would be a hard fight to get her comfortable in her own room.  The first night was scary and full of wake ups at every little sound on the monitor but everything was fine and Stella was safe and sound, sleeping away :)

Moving on...I have come to appreciate just how flexible my little girl is.  I have heard horror stories of parents that are unable to leave the house during "nap time" or never able to stay out with friends past their baby's bedtime.  I have always been the type of person that wants to put my baby as my first priority but not stop living because I have a baby.  So, on Saturday night we went to our friends house and we knew it would be a late night so we brought all of her bedtime stuff, thinking we would just put her in the guest room and watch her on the monitor.  Well, little Miss Social Butterfly wouldn't go to bed and just wanted to play with everyone.  She stayed up with us and was pretty content all the way till the end (around 11).  She fell asleep on the way home and had no problem going down when we got home.  I thought we had for sure ruined our efforts to get her bedtime to an earlier time and our progress would definitely halt, if not regress back a few weeks, but sure enough, Stella was very flexible the next night and was down by 9.  Each night we kept moving her bedtime earlier and earlier and she was ready to go whenever we were, totally following our cues.  We finally got her to the 7:30pm bedtime that we were aiming for, last night.  She went down at 7:30pm and woke up at 8:00am (with a few short wake ups in between).

I really am continually amazed at how sweet she is! I won't lie - sometimes I get frustrated in the middle of the night or when things don't go as planned but she really is amazing.  Truly my dreams come true!  Above is a picture of her in a kitty cat sleeper.  It isn't her Halloween costume but it was too adorable to pass up :)

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