Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Seriously...isn't it spring??

Here we are on April 21st and I am still waiting for the spring weather to arrive.  This is a picture I took of my neighbors house directly across from us and yes, that white stuff is SNOW!!!!! What is going on?!?!

Here I was talking about how lucky I was to have a baby in May because I didn't have to worry about driving in the snow or freezing weather.  HA! Joke is on me!  I guess the silly groundhog was wrong because this does not look like an early spring to me!  YUCK!  I'm so ready for consistent sunshine! Who is with me?!?

Now on to pregnancy progression news...not a whole lot to report.  I never received a call from the doctor so I am assuming all is well but I'm trying to take it as easy as I can and lower the blood pressure if possible.  Matt and I went on a walk last night which is beginning to prove to be a difficult task.  By the end of the walk, I'm huffing and puffing like I'm 100lbs over weight...pretty annoying but I'm going to keep pushing myself to walk so that Miss Stella will drop a bit.

Last night was NOT a restful night.  As exhausted as I felt, I just couldn't fall asleep! I finally drifted off around 11 and was up by 11:45 to use the restroom and then again around 12:45.  I did get a good 2 hour stretch of sleep because I didn't wake up again until 3am.  When I woke up that time, I was experiencing abdominal cramping and thinking oh heck...please don't be contractions.  They lasted about an hour and then faded off so I finally fell back asleep around 4am only to be woken up by my alarm at 5:35 to get ready for work.  My eyes have that stinging pain from pure exhaustion.  I'm thinking about napping at lunch time and then after work...I'm pretty much in zombie mode at this point.  BUT as of tomorrow the daily countdown goes to the teen numbers so not too much longer before little Stella makes her appearance.  I can do this!!!


  1. You CAN do this!! Hang in there:)

  2. I am so proud of you girl! It is not easy to work in our job and be prego at the same time. You are doing a wonderful job!
