Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

38 week appointment update

I know a lot of you have been wondering how my appointment went and I have to be honest...I'm a little disappointed.

First, my blood pressure was better this time which my doctor was very happy with.  As far as my stats, I haven't progressed at all...I am still at 1cm dilated and 50% effaced and here is the kicker...Miss Stella has decided not to drop but climb back up so she is at a -3 now!!! Darn girl!  As the doctor was leaving I mentioned a worry about her size again so she looked up her last ultrasound and proceeded to review it with me.  She said Stella's belly was measuring in the 68% range but that her head was measuring in the 90% range.  UMMMM YIKES!  MY BABY HAS A GIGANTIC HEAD!!! 

Now for those of you who know me, you know that I have a teeny tiny little head and the only hats I own are toddler and child hats so she definitely gets her head size from her big headed father!

The doctor reassured me that heads aren't an issue but they do worry about shoulder size and shoulder size is more similar to belly so she wasn't that worried about her being able to get out.  We did start to plan a date to induce if she doesn't come on her own in the next few weeks.  We planned it around when my doctor was on call and unfortunately for me, that isn't until 1 day before I'm due!  She said that they would most likely admit me for the night of May 9th to prepare everything for labor and then actually induce the morning of the May 10th (a Tuesday - 14 days from today not that I'm counting).  The good news is that we are more likely to have our doctor deliver.  The bad news is that I have to wait 14 more days which seems like an eternity right now!

She gave me a list of things to try to get the baby to drop and for the uterus to contract so we'll see if those work but my goodness...I'm ready to be done!  So for now, we just wait and see and if nothing happens, I will just plan to attend my appointment at the same time next week.

On another note, many of you have been asking how my dad is doing and he is doing great! He was lucky as far as strokes go (especially brain stem strokes) and was released from the hospital on Monday afternoon and able to make his Monday evening flight.  He is still experiencing weakness on his right side and he has a journey of recovery in front of him but his doctors were all very optimistic about his chances for a great recovery.  Thank you for all of your support and prayers!  It really has meant the world to me!

1 comment:

  1. glad you posted an update. I've been thinking about you! Hopefully Stella drops back down for you!
