Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Preparing for a Stella-bration!!

Ok is a bit cheesy but come's cute!!

My friends are sweet enough to be planning a Stella-bration this Saturday to keep me occupied and busy while Matt is away.  Let me back up and tell you how the Stellabration planning began.

About 4 weeks ago, Matt let me know that he wanted to play softball with his buddies in Seattle this weekend.  Knowing that I would be between 35-36 weeks, I was a bit nervous about him leaving so close to our due date but my OB assured us that it shouldn't be an issue, so he is going.  I was/am still a bit stressed about it so I called Diane to make sure she would be in town this weekend so that if I did go into labor, I would at least have someone here to help.  She assured me she would be here which definitely eased my mind.  Beyond easing my mind, she also got together with Megan and Theresa and began planning the Stellabration!  So this Saturday, I am waking up and getting a massage (yay!) and then meeting up with the ladies to get pedicures and go out to dinner...YUM!

I am so excited to have great friends to keep me company when Matt is away.  If I didn't have plans, I would have been anxious from the moment he left to the moment he returned (not rational but true).  Now, I'm excited to have 1 last girls night out before Stella arrives.

I will update you later to let you know how the Stellabration goes down!


  1. Yay! Enjoy every minute of your Stellabration (Which is the cutest term EVER)! Rest assured-your OB is Fabulous and wouldn't give the "okay" for someone close to you travel if she were worried-trust me on that one!!

  2. Can.not.wait for our stellabration! We maybe a small group but we bring buckets and buckets of fun. And I am so happy to be part of the let's distract ally while Matt is away crew. By the time we are done with you you will be saying who's Matt ;)

  3. I adore your friends....eases Mom's guilt for having a previous commitment, and their Stellabration exceeds anything I could think of!

    I think her birthdays should be Stellabrations for sure!

    You should take bets (with or without backing!) for the date!

    Let the comments come starting at the Stellabration!

  4. My bet is for May 1st if you go into labor on your own. If not, May 5th, cause Dr Smetana will prob induce you at 39 weeks (which would be the 4th) and she would prob bring you in that night, which means you will likely deliver the next afternoon :) Thats my guess!
