read that right. Little Miss Stella is cutting her first tooth at just 4 months old. The doctor thought that her fussiness, low fever, cold symptoms and drool could all be attributed to the first tooth making an appearance soon but we couldn't feel anything at the time of her appointment so I just brushed it off. Then after having a fabulous weekend with Grammy and Grampy (aka Grumpy), she had a horribly fussy day on Monday with her nanny. On Tuesday, she calmed down a bit and by Tuesday night I could feel a little tooth cutting out of her gums.
She has been much less fussy since it has popped through the gum a bit but she is drooling like it is her job. You always hear how much babies drool when they are cutting teeth but let me tell you, Stella is DROOOOOOOOLING! We basically have to keep bibs on her at all time to keep from drowning in it. We are hoping that this also explains the slight "sleep regression" she has been experiencing lately. Our sweet baby has gone from sleeping 6-9 hours a night to 4-6 if we are lucky. It is making for one tired mama but I'm hoping she'll go back to sleeping well once this teething business is old news.
We are off to her 4 month well baby check up and she will get her next set of vaccinations. I will definitely update you all on her growth and progress after the appointment.
Happy drooling to you all :)
Finn's sleeping went crazy/frustrating when he got his first two teeth, then got right back to normal-hopefully that will happen for Stella, too!