Don't get me wrong, she has her smiley, laughing moments often too but she just seems to be very serious by nature. She is constantly observing and taking everything in around her. I can tell that little brain of hers is working overtime.
I guess we should have known from the beginning since we took this picture when she was only a few weeks old:
As I noted, lately she has been extra grumpy, especially at night. I fear that we may see more teeth soon since I can't keep her from putting everything in her mouth and she is a big drool and snot monster. I'm hoping that her grumpy demeanor is related to something temporary like teething.
I am sure this is all very temporary but it is funny to watch her go through her little phases and how much her behavior and attitude is impacted by whatever it is she is going through. I have to admit that I won't be sad when this teething stuff is over. I'm having to switch her sheets almost daily because of the ridiculous amounts of drool and snot that comes out of her while she is sleeping.
On another note, her sleep patterns are still AWESOME!! She sleeps for a minimum of 9 hours straight now and is always in bed by 7pm. We are so happy to be getting some sleep again.
And on yet another note, Stella had her first snow on Saturday, November 12. Here is a little video of her trying to figure out what it is (sorry it is sideways - it was taken with my phone):
We are going to be travelling to the Seattle area for Thanksgiving. I'm sure we will have MUCH to write about after our visits with everyone!